'Usage: AdGPS2JPG jpgfilename decimal_Longditude decimal_Lattitude
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.IO
Public Class Main
Sub convertDec2CoordAndBytes(ByVal dec As Decimal, ByRef coord() As UInt32, ByRef vBytes() As Byte)
Dim degs As UInt32 = Decimal.Floor(dec)
Dim mm As Decimal = 60 * (dec - degs)
Dim mins As UInt32 = Decimal.Floor(mm)
Dim ss As Integer = 60 * (mm - mins)
Dim secs As UInt32 = Decimal.Round(ss)
' convert decimal into coords
coord(0) = degs
coord(1) = 1
coord(2) = mins
coord(3) = 1
coord(4) = secs
coord(5) = 1
' convert coords into bytes
Dim bytes() As Byte
For i = 0 To 5
bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(coord(i))
For j = 0 To 3
vBytes(j + (4 * i)) = bytes(j)
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Sub addImageItem(ByRef photoImage As Image, ByVal itemId As Integer, ByVal type As Integer, ByVal vBytes() As Byte, ByVal cBytes As Integer)
Dim photoItems As PropertyItem()
Dim photoItem As PropertyItem = Nothing
photoItems = photoImage.PropertyItems
Dim fItemExists As Boolean = False
For Each photoItem In photoItems
If photoItem.Id = itemId Then
fItemExists = True
Exit For
End If
If fItemExists = False Then
photoItem.Id = itemId
End If
photoItem = photoImage.GetPropertyItem(itemId)
photoItem.Id = itemId
photoItem.Type = type
photoItem.Len = cBytes
photoItem.Value = vBytes
End Sub
Private Sub Main_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim photoFileName As String
Dim photoImage As Image
Dim decLatt As Decimal
Dim decLong As Decimal
Dim northOrSouth As String = "N"
Dim eastOrWest As String = "E"
If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count < 3 Then
MsgBox("Error: parameters missing! Usage: AdGPS2JPG jpgfilename decimal_Longditude decimal_Lattitude")
End If
photoFileName = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0)
decLong = Convert.ToDecimal(My.Application.CommandLineArgs(1))
If decLong < 0 Then
decLong = -1 * decLong
eastOrWest = "W"
End If
decLatt = Convert.ToDecimal(My.Application.CommandLineArgs(2))
If decLatt < 0 Then
decLatt = -1 * decLatt
northOrSouth = "S"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error: could not load latt/long data - " + ex.Message)
End Try
photoImage = Image.FromFile(photoFileName)
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Error: could not load jpg: " + photoFileName + " - " + ex.Message)
End Try
Dim coord(6) As UInt32
Dim vBytes(24) As Byte
' Add latt
Call convertDec2CoordAndBytes(decLatt, coord, vBytes)
addImageItem(photoImage, 2, 5, vBytes, 24)
' Add long
Call convertDec2CoordAndBytes(decLong, coord, vBytes)
addImageItem(photoImage, 4, 5, vBytes, 24)
' Add lat ref
vBytes(0) = Asc(northOrSouth)
vBytes(1) = 0
addImageItem(photoImage, 1, 2, vBytes, 2)
' Add long ref
vBytes(0) = Asc(eastOrWest)
vBytes(1) = 0
addImageItem(photoImage, 3, 2, vBytes, 2)
' Add GPS Version
vBytes(0) = 2
vBytes(1) = 2
vBytes(2) = 0
vBytes(3) = 0
addImageItem(photoImage, 0, 1, vBytes, 4)
photoImage.Save(photoFileName + "__TEMP")
File.Replace(photoFileName + "__TEMP", photoFileName, photoFileName + "__BAK")
File.Delete(photoFileName + "__BAK")
End Sub
End Class
Dear Frankie66,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your code, this is very good to me.
I use it in my web site.
Best regards.
Ali Kh.
Thanks for your code, i need an information.
ReplyDeleteWhen you convert de second you use a Uint32 var.
For obtain more precision, I need to use the "Double var", but I'm encountered very problem during the conversion.
I'm obtain a valid jpg file but the precision of seconds is similar to this 43; 32; 24.124558E.
Any Idea?